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Product Redesigns

I think one of the major qualities of humans is the ability to adapt. Adaptability allows us to change our actions in the face of negative results. Similarly, businesses must adapt to continually fit the environment around them.

To fight against the common trends of change will adversely hurt large firms, who are already prone to slowness in making operational changes. Redesigning product layouts allow an organization to maintain or gain a competitive advantage. The decision to redesign can include cost, regulations, quality improvements, new functionalities, alter the brand perception, improve employee morale, and changes in existing technologies (Stevenson, 2018).

What are some product layouts and their main advantages and disadvantages?

To discuss product layout advantages and disadvantages, first I want to discuss the concept of product layouts. Product layouts vary drastically from industry to industry but allow for the concept of standardization to occur across the production phase. Classmates have discussed a wide range of product layouts in their fields, from medical to transport to retail. In IT, product layouts, or templates, are critical in allowing building blocks for developers to work on the shoulders of others, and allowing packageable solutions to clients and customers.

Support your opinion with a relevant example or reinforce your position(s) with applicable reference cite.

In my job, we create a lot of assets with application and infrastructure code. These are essentially created as product layouts and can then again be utilized in software (a product) which can be branded for an organization to show to their customers.

All companies are constantly re-working their application code, website code, and analytics code because the IT and software field keeps changing on a daily basis. One day, a solution might work, but within a year or two, it could become obsolete.


Stevenson, W. J. (2018). Operations Management. (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.


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