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An Introduction to Cloud-Based Analytics (Part 2)

Assessing Cloud-Based Analytics

The prior post has introduced the importance of performing analytics on cloud-based resources and of IT’s support in these projects. From this groundwork, factors of implementing a corporate strategy will be explored. The purpose is to compile research material on cloud-based analytic workloads and define a framework for decision-makers. As analytics in the cloud has become a crucial part of the business strategy, this paper will be focused on important considerations for leadership to enhance analytics that improves user experiences.

Currently, all cloud providers allow clients to store their entire data estate onto their assets for a competitive, cheap price. Therefore, providers must find other cloud-based business offerings to the market to generate further revenue streams. Therefore, the differentiator for customers, executive decision-makers, and cloud solution providers is how a business can use the storage solutions and perform analytics on data to drive insights that improve decision-making abilities throughout the organization from the top to the bottom. With this thought in mind, the next section will introduce the topics that will be discussed in the literature review section and compare it to this differentiator.

Migration Considerations

Furthermore, the central reason for an organization to shift its IT infrastructure to the cloud is that the benefits of the migration must outweigh the risks to the business and its offerings. Research and industry case studies have set out frameworks and recommendations for how to achieve these benefits, and that will be explored in the literature review. First, the topics to discuss inside corporate strategy discussions will be highlighted. Following these subject areas, cost, scalability, reliability, and trust of cloud resources will be addressed. Lastly, the concept of software-as-a-service options will be reviewed in the next post.


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